The UK may no longer be the sole preserve for seedless varieties of grape but Agrimessina srl believes there is enough fruit to go round as trends in varieties and pack sizes change. Produce Business UK investigates
It was not so long ago that continental European consumers turned their noses up at the UK’s penchant for seedless
Great start for the Italian season of seedless grape.
Favorable weather condition allow us
to have good product availability and excellent quality.
We are harvesting premium Superior grape for the British, German and Scandinavian markets (18+ mm and 16+ sugar level).
Regarding red and black seedless, after Flame and Vitroblack, great bunches of Summer Royal are ready for the harvest.
Agrimessina will be exhibiting at the London Produce Show this June. The exhibition, which is held at the Grosvenor House, Mayfair London, on June 3-5 will feature over 150 selected fresh produce exhibitors from around the world.
As leader producer in Italian seedless table grapes Agrimessina considers the London Produce Show a key event to present its grapes offer for the next comining season.
To arrange a meeting at the show, or to find out more, please email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
L’azienda Agrimessina srl sarà presente anche quest’anno a Berlino a partire dal 4 fino al 6 febbraio per partecipare all’edizione 2015 di FRUIT Logistica, la più importane vetrina europea del settore ortofrutticolo, cui partecipano 2300 espositori di 75 Paesi e che accoglie oltre 50.000 visitatori provenienti da 150 nazioni.